English Country Dance
Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand
To be fond of dancing is a certain step toward falling in love ~ Jane Austen
About us…
Welcome to the Auckland English Country Dance and Early (Historical) Dance group website. This is an informal grouping of dance enthusiasts dedicated to the pleasures of social dancing. Dancing is known to be beneficial for mind, body and spirit. English Country Dance has the benefit of beautiful music and is so much fun you don’t even realise you are getting exercise while you are doing it. It’s a very social activity, requires no previous experience, no special athleticism and is easy to learn.
The Early Dance group covers European (English/French/Italian) historical dance from the 15th to 19th centuries. There is a wide range of styles and music, many are simple and some more complex.
The group meets for English Country/Folk Dance on the second Friday of the month and Early Dance (Historical) on the fourth Friday of the month.
Beginners are always welcome in both groups. There are some dates when we don’t meet or have to change the date due to public holidays or accommodate other hall users so please check our calendar for dates.
The English and Early Dance groups meet at St John’s Church Hall, Church Street, Northcote, Auckland at 7.30 pm on the second and last Friday of the month for relaxed social dancing. The evening wraps up around 10.00 pm.
Beginners and inquirers are always welcome. The dances are always “walked through” at the beginning of each dance and instructions are “called” as you go so there is no need to worry about remembering lots of new information and terminology.
The group has been going for over 15 years. Evenings are organised by Beth Harris and Karen Vernon. Beth, in particular, is a very experienced teacher and caller. She is well known among folk dancing circles in Auckland for her relaxed and effective teaching.
There is a small door charge to cover the cost of hiring the hall. Currently, this is $8.00 per session. A light supper of tea, coffee & biscuits, is provided.
There are no uniform or costume requirements, comfortable clothing and flat comfortable shoes are all that is needed. We are not a performance-oriented group though occasionally volunteers will perform at events such as the Winter Warm-up dance festival. Periodically we also hold costumed events as themed mid-year or end-of-year parties, but the costume is not compulsory at these events.
…..Oh, and in case you were wondering, English Country Dancing is not Morris Dancing which is a separate and respected tradition of its own. English Country Dance is not as athletic and no hankies or bells are required.
So why not come along and give it a go?